Sustainable Evolution

Green Urbanization: Resilient Transformations

Bhutan's Urban Transformation

Bhutan's urban landscape is currently in the midst of a profound and rapid transformation, driven by a mounting demand for contemporary urban infrastructure, seamless energy and water access, and affordable housing for our rapidly expanding urban communities. Within this era of transformation, our vision remains steadfast, unwavering, and clearer than ever before—urban development must epitomize green sustainability, unwavering resilience, and a harmonious integration with the natural world.

Low Emissions Development Strategy

Introducing the Low Emissions Development Strategy (LEDS) for Human Settlement, a visionary roadmap for the next decade. This comprehensive blueprint aims to revolutionize our cities, led by the newly adopted Structure Plan for Thimphu, placing 'GNH within the Doughnut' at its core. By prioritizing people and nature, we're committed to delivering new green infrastructure, parks, water systems, and low-emission public transportation strategies. A world-class bio-based, regenerative catalyst initiative will connect our forests to sustainable construction, potentially reducing our carbon footprint by 4,122 Gg CO2e. To realize this vision, we will establish a National Infrastructure Bond to initially invest USD 100 million per year, securing a long-term sustainable and green urban paradise.

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