Safeguarding Nature

Conserving Our Natural Capital

Natural Capital Preservation

Bhutan's age-old wisdom of living in harmony with nature, respecting all life forms, has transformed into policies aimed at safeguarding our precious Natural Capital. Guided by the beacon of Gross National Happiness, Bhutan's unique measure of success, the nation has invested resources and embraced sustainable development. Today, Bhutan stands as a sanctuary for native and endemic wildlife, with majestic Royal Bengal Tigers, elusive snow leopards, graceful black cranes, gentle giants like elephants, and the legendary takins thriving in a vast network of protected areas spanning 5 million acres.

Stewardship of Pristine Ecosystems

With a constitutional mandate of 60% forest coverage, Bhutan pulses with life at the heart of the Eastern Himalayas, a global biodiversity hotspot. Its pristine ecosystems and natural capital hold global significance, with ambitions to preserve these treasures for future generations. Enhanced forest management techniques have increased carbon sequestration potential, accumulating 11 million tonnes of CO2 in aboveground biomass. The nation's commitment to continued protection and sustainable resource use is coupled with efforts toward poverty eradication and equitable wealth distribution.

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