Empowering Through Sustainable Energy

A Path to Sustainability

Bhutan's Green Energy Transition

Amid the pressing need to limit the temperature increase to 1.5 degrees above pre-industrial levels, Bhutan is resolutely advancing its efforts. Central to its strategy is the scaling of renewable energy and the pursuit of Low Emission Development growth. Bhutan's socio-economic development revolves around its gushing rivers, harnessed for clean and renewable energy. The nation diversifies its energy portfolio, adapting to changing water flows, with a focus on hydropower, mini-hydro, solar, wind, and waste-to-energy to ensure energy security and resilience.

Bhutan's Energy Innovation

Bhutan, inspired by IPCC AR 6, fervently commits to limiting temperature rise to 1.5 degrees above pre-industrial levels. Fueling this resolve is an unwavering focus on scaling renewable energy, harnessing the power of its gushing rivers. Diversification of the energy portfolio, leveraging hydropower and expanding into mini-hydro, solar, wind, and waste-to-energy, stands as a resilient response to changing water flows. Embracing innovation, Bhutan explores hydrogen fuel, green ammonia, and other hydrogen products for energy storage and as substitutes for fossil fuels. This aligns with their vision for green growth and energy sufficiency. Moreover, Bhutan's strategic move towards digitization ensures reliability, transparency, and inclusivity for enhanced development outcomes.

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