Championing Carbon Stewardship

Decarbonizing for Prosperity

Commitment to Carbon Neutrality

Early on we have set our sights on an ambitious ahead-of-its-time goal—to remain Carbon Neutral, where our greenhouse gas emissions won't outstrip the carbon sequestered by our magnificent forests. Bhutan’s lush woodlands absorb an astonishing 11 million tons of CO2. Our Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) echoes our commitment to protect our forests, ensuring they cover over 60% of our land. We're embarking on low-emission development journeys across all sectors, with the potential to offset a remarkable 4.4 million tons of CO2 through clean energy by 2025. But we're not stopping there! Bhutan’s electricity generation is powered by run-of-the-river hydro power plants.

The Bhutan Climate Fund

In addition to our commitment to carbon neutrality, To ensure the benefits of decarbonization reach our communities and preserve our natural resources, we're establishing the Bhutan Climate Fund. This groundbreaking fund will generate revenue from emissions reductions and removals, fostering innovative financing for mitigation programs and upholding environmental integrity. The carbon revenues will be reinvested in our communities and citizens, aligning with our progressive National Digital Identity program.

To learn more, please contact [email protected]